Dr. Saamdu Chetri, a pilgrim of love and compassion, was born in a cowshed in remote Bhutan. A=er working for 25 years in the private and development sectors, and five years in the first democraCcally elected Prime Minister’s Office as Head of Good Governance (Joint Secretary), he insCtuted the Gross NaConal Happiness Centre as one of its founding members and headed it for five years. In his 35 years of life’s working journey, he has been teaching, consulCng, and speaking at various internaConal and naConal occasions on various topics, including in the House of Commons in the BriCsh Parliament, Senators of the Philippines, among others, and dozens of universiCes and colleges in the world including India. He now teaches, as a visiCng lecturer, at different universiCes of NCR, Delhi and CU. He is a recipient of Lord Buddha Peace 2016 from Samata Sahitya Academy, and he is reflected in the 100 Prominent People of Modern Bhutan, 2008, in the book by Dr C.T. Dorji. He is dearly referred to by BBC as a Happiness Guru. Dr Chetri’s journey on mindfulness for love, joy, and peace conCnues.
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Higher ED
Ability enhancement course Per UGC