What's your Story
Higher ED
Ability enhancement course Per UGC
In the digital age,
our minds reside in the cloud.
Tethered to phone screens for over six hours daily
due to social media.
These screens shape our minds or epigenetics.
By leading our minds into a chaotic rabbit hole
dominated by AI-driven content,
leaving us vulnerable to
commercial, religious, and political manipulation.
The time we spend on the phone screen alone causes
neural switching every 3 seconds
like an involuntary twitch shuffling our
IQ and EQ randomly.
YOL-YourOneLife is a tool that reclaims lost minds,
enabling users to create a
guardrails or railings in our mind
to keep it from getting lost in the digital mist.
It balance our social and emotional lives.
The app also counsels each student privately.
These are the MORE IMPORTANT aspects and assessments for prospective EMPLOYERS than the academic scores.