The Road Ahead


Ai is here!

The world is on the cusp of a change. Not even Dinosaurs imagined that they would be extinct one day. That makes us all prehistoric creatures walking the path of history.

Ai will change everything about our lives, work and play. This book is inspired by Bill Gates, Marconi and the young Andalusian shepherd boy Santiago, written by Paulo Coelho in his work “The Alchemist”.

As you put your eyes through this kaleidoscope inside this book and discover more, it will trigger imagination, something that Bill Gates did over three decades ago in his book titled; “The Road Ahead”. Imagination needs a spark and The Road Ahead sparked a digital revolution. Welcome to The Road Ahead 2.0“Not even Marconi’s wife understood him and the Radio”, as you will understand when you read the *Preface in the index.

What you are about to encounter in this book is a metaphorical alchemy.  The 70+ small chapters here in this boiling pot smelt nearly all the activity in the world and distil it through the AI optics. Santiago is again set to discover dimensions through this crystal ball about how he will live, play and work.

Ai is both sentient and sapient. It has feelings and it has the intelligence. It has an IQ comparable to Einstein and that is expected to grow to 1500 in the next few years. It has developed the right and the left brain hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.

We address AI and its waltz from the basic granules of AI to UN, Climate change to Global finance, Crypto, Education, Energy, Agri, Telecom, Aviation, Production, Logistics, Retail, Advertising, Management, Insurance, Nano, Quantum, Blockchain, Space & Tech Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality, Gaming, Public Safety, Law & Defence, blockchain, Health & medicine social media deep fakes, journalism IPR to intimacy, lifestyle, marriages, Fashion, Hotels and beauty salons. We even discuss AI’s march to provision immortality to humankind.

Come join us as we take you for a guided walk through the woods ahead and demystify the forest. The examples and metaphors in the content here will help you visualize this context. Santiago will then know whether AI is a bane or a boon.


Practice precedes policy. The role of policy is to codify a practice. Football was played much before the rule book was created. Much the same; there is one thing for certain though, no policy will be able to control ai. The game of generative ai will lead any practice by light years ahead of a policy by an individual or a Government.

So the Tom and Jerry will always be here to stay.


adapt or adopt, for the times demand

Or perish and fade like footprints in the sand

No matter how you toss

This sauce is different Boss!



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