
Health is all we are concerned about.

What's your Story

Higher ED

Ability enhancement course Per UGC

Health is all we are concerned about.

What's your Story


Social and emotional learning

Health is all we are concerned about.



We create, curate, calibrate & celebrate happiness

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Her soul; her motif

To create a motif for her that identifies with the vibe@YOL was only the most natural outcomel
Her soul is the Pine Tree in the centre.
She was designed with a roulette cut on its edges to denote how “YourOneLife” aspires to travel across the world.
She is about Your 1 Life.
She is about the 2; The soldier and youl
She has 3 colours denoting the 3 spatial dimensions of the universe.
She has 4 doors that salute a soldier for all 4 seasons.

She invites you to the immersion of your 5 senses in the 5 elements around herself.

She has 6 wavy postal lines that denote all we know of the universe that exists only in 6 dimensions.

These 6 are:
Who, What/which, How, When, Where and Why.

She invites you to: YOL- YourOneLife
If you are wearing a brand now, it may be dumb. Yol have a story to tell.
Don’t just wear a dumb brand, wear a brand that has bravery woven in threads..Yol is not a brand, She is “YourOneLife”